The InSpire Premium Starter Kit is an efficient and effective way for you to keep your spa clean and sparkling. Included are all the essential chemicals that effectively helps to keep water clean and prevent algae. Included are 4-Way strips for checking if the alkalinity, bromine and pH levels of the water are at a suitable level.
- 6 pack water treatment chemicals
- Lasts 3-4 weeks
- Leaves a fresh scent softens the skin
- Helps to protect and prolong the life of your hot tub
- Essential for starting up
- This chemical kit can also be used to treat your pool water
Starter Kit Includes:
- 500g bromine granules
- 500g Ph plus
- 750g Ph minus
- 500g total alkalinity increaser
- 500ml foam away
- 50 x 4-in-1 test strips
- Start up guide